
Showing posts from October, 2022
 Protect Yourself and Your Devices Reference link Today we use internet-connected devices in all aspects of our lives. We go online to search for information, shop, bank, do homework, play games, and stay in touch with family and friends through social networking. As a result, our devices contain a wealth of personal information about us. This may include banking and other financial records, and medical information that we want to protect. If your devices are not protected, identity thieves and other fraudsters may be able to get access and steal your personal information. Spammers could use your computer as a "zombie drone" to send spam that looks like it came from you. Malicious viruses or spyware could be deposited on your computer, slowing it down or destroying files. By using safety measures and good practices to protect your devices, you can protect your privacy and your family. The following tips are offered to help you lower your risk while you're online. Keep you
 Change Management System Reference Link According to the PMBOK Guide 6th edition, Change Control is focused on identifying, documenting and controlling changes to the project and the project baselines. In the change management system, you manage the changes related to the project scope, planning, and baselines. For example, you run out of money, and you need additional funding to complete the project, therefore, you will raise a change request for additional funds. Or you may not be able to complete your project within the specified time and require a time extension. In the change management system, the change request is analyzed for any possible impact on any other project objectives. Afterwards, the request is either approved or rejected. To minimize disruption, a change management system must ensure that all parameters are identified and analyzed for any possible impact. If the change request is approved, you will update the concerned baseline, update the project documents, and inf
 Intellectual property and reason to protect it Intellectual property refers to intangible creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. Generally, all companies own some form of intellectual property. Why is it important Intellectual property rights and registrations allow companies to protect their core business and research and development activities, while creating a stronger negotiating posture for cross-licensing and counterclaims. Intellectual property rights and registrations also allow a company to block competitive products, dissuade potential entrants and clear a technological path for future market share. Protecting one's organization is just one of the benefits of registering intellectual property, it also allows you to build value. Intellectual property is counted as an asset when determining the value of a company and can even be used as collateral for a loan. The four general categori
  Type of   Encryption There are two types of encryptions in widespread use today: symmetric and asymmetric encryption. The name derives from whether or not the same key is used for encryption and decryption. Symmetric encryption In symmetric encryption the same key is used for encryption and decryption. It is therefore critical that a secure method is considered to transfer the key between sender and recipient Symmetric encryption – Using the same key for encryption and decryption Asymmetric encryption Asymmetric encryption uses the notion of a key pair: a different key is used for the encryption and decryption process. One of the keys is typically known as the private key and the other is known as the public key. The private key is kept secret by the owner and the public key is either shared amongst authorized recipients or made available to the public at large. Data encrypted with the recipient’s public key can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key. Data can therefore
The Importance of Cybersecurity Cybersecurity's importance is on the rise. Fundamentally, our society is more technologically reliant than ever before and there is no sign that this trend will slow. Data leaks that could result in identity theft are now publicly posted on social media accounts. Sensitive information like social security numbers, credit card information and bank account details are now stored in cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive. The fact of the matter is whether you are an individual, small business, or large multinational, you rely on computer systems every day. Pair this with the rise in cloud services, poor cloud service security, smartphones, and the Internet of Things (IoT) and we have a myriad of potential security vulnerabilities that didn't exist a few decades ago. We need to understand the difference between cybersecurity and information security, even though the skillsets are becoming more similar. Governments around the world are br